
Police and Crime Commissioner and Worcestershire County Council elections May 2021

The Police and Crime Commissioner and Worcestershire County Council elections are scheduled to take place on Thursday 6th May. Due to the ongoing public health situation we are promoting the availability of postal votes to Malvern residents.

Polling stations will be safe places to vote but we would like to encourage anyone who is concerned about attending a polling station to apply for a postal vote. Anyone who is already registered as a postal voter doesn’t need to re-apply and will be send one automatically.

Electors who want to apply for a postal vote can contact us on 01684 862202 or email

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,

Katie Vass (AEA Cert.)

Electoral Services Manager

01684 862212

The Council House, Avenue Road, Malvern, WR14 3AF


