
60 More Houses for Martley? Planning Application 20/01963/OUT

There is a planning application before Malvern Hills District Council to build a further 60 houses in front of the Nubbins, next to the Hopyards estate. (see this website section on Planning to see a location marker).

To find details of this plan, go to this website: Click ‘Search for applications’, and enter the reference number 20/01963/OUT.

It is important that you let the District Council know what you think, and you can enter your comments on the same website. Alternatively, you can email Michelle Alexander, Martley Parish Clerk at

In usual circumstances, the Parish Council would organise a public meeting, but this is not possible because of COVID restrictions.

The Parish Council will next meet on 1st March, and will make its recommendation to the District Council (which has the final decision).