
Martley Village Maintenance Plan

Martley – Village Maintenance Plan (VMP) 18th June 2022
As we now move into the summer months, the Martley Parish Council are now looking at further ideas to improve the village appearance & facilities. A village “walk about survey” will be conducted in July by the Parish Council action group responsible for the VMP, to review current status & new requirements.
It would be appreciated if you could provide ideas of your own for the VMP going forward. If your thoughts can be communicated by Friday the 1st July in time for the next Parish Council meeting on the 4th July, it would add real value to this initiative.
Finally, just a brief reminder of the successes achieved so far:
1. On going litter picking activity
2. Tidy up of recreation ground & removal of shipping container
3. Removal of abandoned car from outside Rogers Coach depot
4. Bus shelter refurbished
5. Contract in place for maintenance of village planters (Lengthsman)
6. Contract in place for additional maintenance of the recreation ground & children’s play areas (Lengthsman)
7. Instructions issued for the replacement of missing/damaged items in the children’s play area & recreation ground (Lengthsman)
8. Lottery funding application in play for improvements to the children’s play area & surround
9. Signage in place on village litter bins stating the inclusion of dog
10. Ankerdine view point signage refurbishment
11. Severn Trent Water fencing repainted
12. Contract in place for the creation of village wild flower areas
So, a great deal has been achieved already & we look forward to receiving your valued comments, to ensure that we apply the correct focus in the coming months…..
Best regards
Cllr Merv Hardwell