I joined the Council in 2019, having moved to the Village from Sheffield in 2010.
I love that the Council has members representing all parts of our community, with a passion for the Village, working with energy to retain what’s important to the Parishioners whilst making improvements where they are needed. With a keen interest in all forms of sports and recreation and a first-hand understanding of the wide-ranging benefits that they bring to all members of the community, I joined the Council to affect positive change in this area. With four children going through the Martley School system I am keen to ensure that local Children have plenty to do.
My day-job is as a Senior Leader for a Global business within the world of Big Data and Technology, an Industry I’ve been part of for twenty years. Additionally I run a business with my wife Elaine bringing Tourism to the County.
I enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and listening to their stories. Other interests include Cricket (playing, spectating and chairing the Martley CC Committee) and Ballroom Dancing. All sport, any sport, every sport.
Member of Recreation Field Group.