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Public Consultation Presentation on Recreation Field proposals on 30th July 2022
30 July, 2022

Village Consultation
“New Cricket Pavilion & Changing Room Refurbishment”
Following positive Pre-Planning advice from MHDC regarding the development of a new Cricket Pavilion at the Jewry Field, MPC now aim to seek feedback from Parishioners on the proposed scheme along with refurbishment of the existing ‘Mike Ganderton’ Sports Changing Rooms building prior to seeking full planning permission
The Consultation is to be carried out through two exercises in order to reach, engage with and gather feedback from the maximum number of Parishioners:
- An exhibition at the July 30th Memorial Hall Coffee Morning.
Representatives from Martley Parish Council to show outline details of the Development scheme and to answer any questions over a two hour drop-in session at the Coffee Morning. A comments Book will be available to capture feedback.
- A digital survey of Parishioners
Parishioners who wish to comment electronically on the proposed scheme are invited to email the Parish Council Clerk at clerk@martley-pc.gov.uk for a four week period until 15th August 2022 using the Subject Heading “Jewry Field Improvements”.
The Coffee Morning Exhibition will include the following:
- Objectives for Development/refurbishment
- Architect’s Site Plan (following MPC Options appraisal)
- Architect’s Pavilion Drawings
- Example images of envisaged design and finish
All feedback will be considered by the Parish Council Working Group prior to any final plans being submitted to MHDC for full planning permission. Please click on the documents below for further information.
20-600 Initial Options – draft – Sk-002.pdf
MPC Capital Project – Consultation process Rev1.1